Thông Tin Bài Báo
Ostracods as pollution indicators in Lap An Lagoon, central Vietnam
Tác giả: TS. Phạm Tiến Đạt
Tác giả: CWJ Tan, Chris Gouramanis, TD Pham, DQ Hoang, Adam D Switzer
Tạp chí: Environmental Pollution, 278, 116762
Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu: Phân tích số liệu Khí tượng thủy văn biển
Bộ môn: Bộ môn Khoa học và Công nghệ Biển
Năm xuất bản: 2021
Mô tả:
Southeast Asia is particularly susceptible to the negative impacts of increasing coastal pollution as coastal populations and cities grow at unprecedented rates. Although water chemistry can be monitored, there are greater advantages in using bioindicators as reflectors of the combined effect of multiple pollution types on coastal ecosystem health and for early detection of the negative impacts of pollutants on biotic systems. This study explores the utility and application of ostracods as pollution bioindicators and examines the response of ostracod assemblages to variable pollution in Lap An Lagoon, central Vietnam. From 14 sites within the lagoon, 79 species of 46 genera were identified and sediment grain size, total organic carbon, organic matter and heavy metal concentration were measured. Cluster analysis, detrended correspondence analysis and canonical correspondence analysis identified four distinct ostracod biofacies that were highly correlated to the physical environmental variables (salinity, depth, sediment type, heavy metal concentrations, total organic carbon and organic matter) and are shown to be the main factors controlling ostracod biofacies. Low ostracod diversities were found in silty sediments with heavy metal concentrations likely toxic. Sinocytheridea impressa was indicative of a marginally polluted environment within the lagoon. This study provides evidence for the potential for Southeast Asian ostracods to be used in water quality assessments and the data collected can be used as a baseline for future pollution monitoring.