Thông Tin Bài Báo
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Survey of Ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey of formerly mined coastal sand in central Vietnam: a rapid, non-invasive method for investigating the extent and impact of Mined Areas
Tác giả: TS. Phạm Tiến Đạt
Tạp chí: GSTF Journal of Geological Sciences, 1 (1) , 2013
Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu: Rủi ro thiên tai ven biển
Bộ môn: Bộ môn Khoa học và Công nghệ Biển
Năm xuất bản: 2013
Mô tả:
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) offers a non-invasive, high-resolution subsurface imaging method that can be used to investigate and characterise the sedimentary features and depositional history of various coastal deposits. GPR utilises the electromagnetic wave properties in the megahertz frequency range and can generate 2D and 3D images of the subsurface to identify coastal depositional features to a depth in excess of 20m. In this study we use a series of GPR surveys to identify the depth and physical characteristics of an infilled site formerly subject to sand mining for heavy mineral sands. We outline a fast non-invasive technique that allows large areas of coastal dunes to be imaged for the purposes of delineating past land uses. The technique is likely to be particularly applicable to developing coasts where the historical record is incomplete or fragmentary or there has been a history of poorly constrained or illegal sand mining.