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  • Thứ 2 - Thứ 6: 8:00 - 17:00
Trường Đại học Khoa học Tự nhiên - Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội
Khoa Khí tượng Thủy văn và Hải dương học

PGS. TS. Nguyễn Minh Trường

Học vấn

Công tác

Meteorological and hydrological drought characteristics and their relationships in the Central Highlands of Vietnam

Truong Nguyen-Minh, Hang Vu-Thanh, Hang Do-Thanh, Kien Nguyen-Chinh, Huong Duong-Thi-Thanh

(2025) - Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 156(8)

A numerical experiment on hail forecast: Hailstorms on 17 March 2020 in western North Vietnam

D. M. Duy, N. M. Truong, N. V. Thu, and H. T. T. Thuat

(2024) - Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 47(1)

Sea-level trends and variability along the coast of Vietnam over 2002–2018: Insights from the X-TRACK/ALES altimetry dataset and coastal tide gauges

D. T. Pham, W. Llovel, T. M. Nguyen, H.Q. Le, M.N. Le, H.T. Ha

(2023) - Advances in Space Research, 73(3)

Gián đoạn gió mùa mùa hè trên khu vực Nam Bộ trong các thập kỷ gần đây

Vũ Thị Mai Hoa, Nguyễn Minh Trường

(2023) - Tạp chí Khí tượng Thủy văn. 744

Evaluation of rainfall characteristics over Vietnam simulated by the non-hydrostatic regional climate model-NHRCM during the 1981-2001 period

Ha Pham-Thanh, Hang Vu-Thanh, Truong Nguyen-Minh

(2022) - Vietnam Journal of Hydrometeorology, 11(3)

Dự báo lại đợt dông gây mưa đá ngày 24–25/01/2020 trên khu vực Đông Bắc Bộ bằng mô hình số

Đoàn Mạnh Duy, Nguyễn Minh Trường

(2022) - Tạp chí Khí tượng Thủy văn. 737

Structures and Mechanisms of 20−60-day Intraseasonal Oscillation of the Observed Rainfall in Vietnam

Truong N.M. and B.M. Tuan

(2019) - Journal of Climate, 32

Roles of past, present, and future land use and anthropogenic heat release changes on urban heat island effects in Hanoi, Vietnam: Numerical experiments with a regional climate model

Doan, V.Q., H. Kusaka, and T.M. Nguyen

(2019) - Sustainable Cities and Society, 47

Large-scale patterns and possible mechanisms of 10-20-day intra-seasonal oscillation of the observed rainfall in Vietnam

Truong N.M. and B.M. Tuan

(2018) - International Journal of Climatology, 38

Improvement in the modeled representation of North American monsoon precipitation using a modified Kain-Fritsch convective parameterization scheme

Luong, T.M.; Castro, C.L.; Nguyen, T.M.; Cassell, W.W.; Chang, H.-I

(2018) - Atmosphere, 9

Rainfall and tropical cyclone activity over Vietnam simulated and projected by the non-hydrostatic regional climate model - NHRCM

Kieu-Thi X., H. Vu-Thanh, T. Nguyen-Minh, D. Le, L. Nguyen-Manh, I. Takayabu, H. Sasaki, and A. Kitoh

(2016) - J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 94A

Sensitivity of the Track and Intensity Forecasts of Typhoon Megi (2010) to Satellite-Derived Atmospheric Motion Vectors with the Ensemble Kalman Filter

Kieu, C., N. M. Truong, H. T. Mai, T. Ngo-Duc

(2012) - J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 137

Synoptic-scale physical mechanisms associated with the Mei-yu front: A numerical case study in 1999

Truong N.M., V.T. Hang, R.A. Pielke Sr., C.L. Castro, and K. Dairaku

(2012) - Asia-Pacific J. Atmos. Sci., 48

A modified Kain-Fritsch scheme and its application for simulation of an extreme precipitation event in Vietnam

Truong, N.M., T.T. Tien, R.A. Pielke Sr., C.L. Castro, and G. Leoncini

(2009) - Monthly Weather Review, 137

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